Friday, 28 June 2019

Jersey Cattle For Sale in Haryana

It is from Jersey cattle Island of Cow (UK). The color of its body is a red light yellow, angular and dense body and the size of the crown dish. This is the smallest of all other missals. It has red spots on its brown body. It gives 25 litres of milk daily. This cow gives 4000-4500 kg milk per second and milk contains 5 per cent fat. The average weight of bulls is 540-820 kg and cow load is 400-500 kg. Hoshiarpur Karnal in India is the main district of Ropar and Gurdaspur where jersey cow is found.
The Jersey breed’s cow is also considered good for commercial dairy farming. This cow has originated in England. Brown and red skin, wide forehead, big eyes etc. are its main identities. Jersey cow weighs 400-450 kilograms. This cow with medium sized body adjusts in most of India’s climate. The disease resistance of this cow is also good and it tolerates more temperature than the HF breed.
Jersey cow gives 15-25 litres of milk daily. The amount of fat in its milk is higher than the HF cow. Which is about 4 – 5%. Jersey cows for sale in Haryana are being worn more in small dairies because maintaining HF cow is a bit difficult.
Jersey cow is found in approximately 35-60 thousand rupees. Generally, the pure breed of jersey cow is not found in our country, but its cross-breed breeds can be seen in more abundance.

The main reason for this popularity of the breed:-

1. High fertility capacity. Jersey cow is also suitable for warm environments and can also lead to calf in hot spots
2. Higher yields in low fodder – This Jersey cow is more mature than other breeds and production of milk starts growing very fast. This cow consumes less fodder than other cows and it yields more cows, this cow usually gives 20-28 liters of milk per day
3. Capacity to fight diseases: The health of these cows is better than other breed cows. According to a study done in Denmark, compared to other dairy breeds, jerseys show the risk of several diseases in the cow.
4. High quality: This breed is known for high-quality milk – compared to other dairy cows, jersey cow’s milk contains more fat and protein content.
5. Strong physical texture The jerseys are strong in the legs of the cow so that the risk of lameness is very low.
Due to its many advantages and financially beneficial to the farmers, this cow is now the first choice of dairy farmers.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

HF Cow Supplier, Exporter, Trader in Karnal, Haryana

HF Cow Supplier, Exporter, Trader in Karnal, Haryana
Holstein Friesian Cow, also called HF Cow, is the world’s most famous cow. This cow is known to give the highest milk in the world. This cow is mainly a breed of cow which is found in northern Holland and Friesland, hence its name is Holstein Friesian (HF).

History of Holstein Cows

About 2,000 years ago Holstein cows were born in the Netherlands. When a new breed was developed through the cross-breeding of Holland and two Gauge breeds of Germany, which was named Holstein Frecienen.
Through this crossbreeding, a breed developed which produced high milk despite limited food resources. Basically, this breed was known as Holstein-Friesians but now it is known only as Holstein, Friesian cattle are still present but different from the Holstein breed.
There is a friction breed from the United Kingdom, Newzealand, and Holland, and these animals have a small body with Holstein’s animals.

Physical Characteristic

  1. Color (Holi) – Holstein Cow is found in a mixture of black and white colors. Some cows have also been seen in a black, red and white mixture.
  2. Weight (weight) – Holstein Friesian cattle weight – A healthy calf weighs 40 to 50 kg (75-110 lbs) or more at birth.
The weight of a mature Holstein cow is 680-770 kg (1500-1700 pounds).
  1. Height – Their height is 145-165 centimeters (58-65 inches).
  2. Head – HF cow’s head is very long and comparatively narrow.
  3. Temperament – These animals are cool of nature.
Horns – HF animals do not have horns. If the beaks are there then they are very small.

Milk Production

Holstein cows give the best milk in the world. In a word, this cow gives milk to 4500-7000 liters. Provides 15-40 liters of milk in one day. In the National Livestock Championships 2016, the HF breed’s cow gave 66.713 liters of milk in a day to the national level by establishing a new record. From this very point, the fertility of this cow can be estimated.
HF cow’s milk contains less fat. Only 3.5-4% fat is in this cow’s milk.

HF Cow Price

Holstein Friesian cow cost in India
The price of Hf cow depends on its milk production and age. Usually, in India, this cow is found in 35,000 to 80,000 rupees.